I became the heroine of my own story.
Jeannine’s Story
In my late teens and early twenties, a series of events in my life led me to fall into a deep, deep sadness. I was paralyzed with grief - it hurt to breathe, I was in so much emotional turmoil and anguish.
I had once been a star student and a young leader in my community. I was an award-winning debater and proud academic scholar - headed to an elite university in Washington, D.C. A few things happened in my personal life and I lost it. I mean, I really lost it. I gave up completely on every dream I had ever had.
I did not yet have the tools to process my emotions, so I started looking outside of myself for solutions. Eventually, I found drugs and alcohol. Initially, drinking and doing drugs really worked. They stopped the pain, they stopped the sadness. That became my solution for nearly fifteen years. Over time, though, the drugs got harder and the consequences more severe. I ended up homeless and strung out on heroin for the last several years of my active addiction.
Anyone who has ever been physically addicted to an opiate knows - once it’s on, it’s on. My entire life became about chasing heroin. I chased heroin into horrible neighborhoods, into dangerous situations, into jail, into hospitals. I was well on my way to chasing heroin into death.
Then something miraculous happened.
I chased heroin into recovery.
Through the process of recovery, which for me involves twelve-step meetings, sponsorship, service, and physical exercise, I haven’t just found myself again. I have found a much better version of myself. I found an evolution of myself that I don’t believe I would have ever become without my addiction. I am kinder, stronger, and smarter. Recovery gave me a spiritual life that involves principles of service that I know I would have never made a priority. That girl in high school, who had so much promise, doesn’t have anything on the woman I became - as a direct result of my addiction.
Through this podcast, I hope to guide other addicts on a journey not just out of active addiction, but towards peace with - and possibly even gratitude for - the choices and paths they have taken.